Saturday, June 16, 2012

Mural Project And Some Photos Aside

Have been planning this project.

Taking a photo of the three wall murals I see every weekend. These murals along Lower Tumon here in Guam are a reflection of Guam's culture.  I prayed for a sunny day and this morning it was indeed sunny but with some drizzle here and there, well that is how Guam is at times it rains on the other side of the road while its sunny on the other side.

Hope you like my photos. 

This mural is right across Guam Visitor's Bureau.

This on going projetc is right across Guam Visitors Bureau

Zoom image for more details

Lady in the mural project(not the official name)

The Lady in Black & White

A passing jogger and the Lady

The below mural is found in the 4 way intersection right in front of Hilton Resort & Spa.

wa trying to get a panoramic shot of this mural but my camera is limited

partial shoot of the mural

middle part of the mural depicting the carabao

The gumamela in the mural at Hilton Guam

deers in the mural at Hilton Guam

Carabao ride island style

The hard working Chamorro dad

Kalachu-chi with some vandalism though

I was only able to get one picture of the mural in the road going up to Kmart due to the drizzle on a sunny morning.

I Love Guam Mural

While walking and shooting the murals I got some other eye catching imagery.

got this while walking towards Hilton Guam

got this while on my way down from the hill towards Hilton Guam

Beauty in the grass at another angle

another fire tree, hmmm it seems there are lots of fire tree in Lower Tumon

got this while walking towards Kmart in Guam

close up shot of the flowers in bloom

a solo of the Gumamela

another angle for the Gumamela



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Call Me Xander said...

murals on the wall in the street is much better than vandalism. I've seen a lot of wall vandals here in the Philippines which is not good in the eyes specially for foreigners who are visiting the country.

Louis said...

Very true Xander. Well if only the vandlas would rather be artist in the streets that is creating an artful imprint rather than just a note that says "My gang was here"